Community Update APR-24

April has been an exciting month for the ZKON community! We won the Mina zkOracle RFP and launched a new Contributors Program.
Community Update APR-24

Hello ZKON Community,

It’s been quite some time since our last community update, but rest assured, our team has been deeply engaged in some exciting developments and breakthroughs. We've been tirelessly working behind the scenes to bring forth innovations that will significantly enhance our project and strengthen our community ties. Over the coming month, we will be rolling out a series of updates that we can't wait to share with you.

Stay Updated and Engaged on Our Discord server!

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ZKON is the zkOracle RFP winner!

If you recall, back in January, we briefed you on our submission to the zkOracle Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Mina blockchain. Today, we are eager to share some significant news regarding this initiative:

‍We are ecstatic to announce that ZKON has been selected as the winner of the zkOracle RFP to develop the native zkOracle on the Mina blockchain!

This achievement marks a crucial milestone for us and firmly establishes ZKON as a pivotal force within the Mina ecosystem. Winning this RFP not only validates the robustness and innovation of our technology but also integrates us more closely with an exceptionally vibrant and skilled community.

As we move forward with this project, we will ensure to keep you updated on every step and breakthrough, sharing our progress and celebrating our joint achievements.

ZKON's Global Presence in Key Ecosysten Events

ZKON at ETH Dubai 2024
ZKON in Duabi

Throughout April, the ZKON team had a notable presence at a number of international events. Our first stop was Athens for zkAthens, an event organised by Zero Knowledge FM. We then flew straight to Dubai on the 15th to attend the ETHDubai conference and Token2049.

Meanwhile, another part of our team was actively involved in the Web3 Family event in Barcelona. This excellent gathering brought together a variety of developers, projects and people from across the ecosystem. Continuing our presence in Barcelona, we also attended the zkDayBarna on the 22nd and 24th and the Privacy Reunion organised by Privacy Guardians.

These experiences were both fun and informative. We took the opportunity to share ZKON's mission, explore potential synergies with other projects and expand our network of contacts. These events served as a powerful platform to meet and connect with a diverse group of incredible people within the industry.

Introducing ZKON Contributors Program

‍In our commitment to community involvement and collaborative growth, we are thrilled to announce the forthcoming launch of ZKON Contributors Program.

This initiative is designed to empower you, our community members, to play an integral part in our development and scaling efforts. We are genuinely excited about the potential of this program to enhance our collective capabilities and to forge stronger connections among all of us.

In just a few days, we will be releasing comprehensive details about the program, including how to get involved, and the initial contributions we are seeking.

This is your chance to make a direct impact and help shape the future of ZKON!

Join Us on Discord for the Latest Updates

We want to extend our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support and enthusiasm. Your engagement and feedback fuel our efforts and inspire us every day.

Please continue to stay connected, share your thoughts, and participate actively in our community. Remember to follow us on Discord to get the most current updates and be a part of our exciting journey forward.

Join ZKON on Discord!

Thanks for reading ZKON Network Blog, and let's look forward to a groundbreaking month ahead!

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